Updated: Aug 17, 2020
https://northmantrader.com/2020/06/08/crash-2/ Great piece from Northman Trader - Sven Henrich - We live in interesting times.
Complete disconnect between fundamentals and markets. Markets can stay irrational for longer than you can say solvent, so I wouldn't be fighting this beast on the short side, but would be using this opportunity to trim risk exposure.
Can the markets crash again before the US Nov elections with the central bank liquidity pump and corporate coronavirus "free-pass"?
Will the Democrats reclaim the presidency? The Donald been taking it easy on China more recently, may realise he's in trouble and can't afford further economic jitters.
Global debt repayment delays (G20, China, Banks) = reduced defaults near-term and less liqudity drain for now?
Robinhood traders continue to WIN
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